Yoga Path

Level 2
with Nicole

October 17 (Thursday)
at 6:30 pm

Class length
90 minutes

Level 2 course classes are for students with a consistent yoga practice of over two years at Level 1.
These classes are for students looking to explore the self-awareness and challenge yoga offers in greater detail.  
This class, like all classes at Yoga Path, is open to casual attendance as well as course participants.

Level 2 classes consistently include:
►  Pranayama
►  Yoga philosophy
►  Yoga mantra
►  Yoga asana at a slightly more challenging level than Intro Level 2 classes, such as full inversions (headstand, forearm balance, shoulderstand and handstands).

Are you ready to take you yoga to the next level? Come along and give it a go, you might surprise yourself. 


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