Yoga Path

with Nicole

February 1 (Saturday)
at 8:30 am

Class length
75 minutes

Newport Yoga Path

Specifically for beginners, these classes establish the foundation of a well rounded Iyengar Yoga practice.

Learn Yoga in a dedicated yoga space with simple, clear instructions. These classes provide structured step-by-step learning, designed to teach the foundations of Yoga. Perfect for those  who have no prior experience and are wanting to start Yoga.
  • Learn Asana, the physical postures of yoga, to encourage fitness, flexibility and muscle tone.
  • Develop breath awareness and learn to cultivate mental wellbeing through a meditative approach.
  • These classes also make a great refresher if it's been a while since you last practiced, or for those new to Iyengar Yoga.
  • These classes are in a 10 week course format and the ideal place to start or renew your yoga path.
  • While most benefit is gained by attending the course in its entirety, these classes are also open to casual attendance.
After completion of an Introductory Weekend you can attend these classes with confidence on a casual basis on either your 10 Class Pass, Casual Single Pass or Annual Membership.


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