Yoga Path

Restorative/Pranayama Class
with Nicole

May 26 (Sunday)
at 2:00 pm

Class length
120 minutes

Newport Yoga Path

Relax and unwind the yogic way to benefit mind and body.

Learn about pranayama (yogic breathing) and the unique wisdom of restorative yoga.  Calm your nervous and parasympathetic nervous systems and turn your attention inward.  Surrender to a state of complete relaxation.

Refine your awareness of your body and mind through this therapeutic practice.

As Guruji (BKS Iyengar) says:  Through the body, the mind is cultivated, and “the light of the soul can itself radiate to the surface of our being.” 

With Nicole and special guest teacher, Doreen Vonier:

Doreen is a teacher and a long term practitioner of Iyengar Yoga. Many of you know her from her brilliant practice in the early morning classes at Yoga Path. Doreen will be bringing her wisdom and experience of the therapeutic effects of sound and vibration as she contributes to this extended Restorative Class. Experience a profound shift of awareness to meditative mental state.

Afternoon tea follows


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